
How Health & Safety Training Benefits Your Construction Business

Image by LEEROY Agency from Pixabay

Every job comes with some level of risk. However, some industries are more prone to dangers compared to others. The construction industry is one of the most dangerous workplaces. But the good news is that you can minimise many risks associated with construction through proper health and safety measures.

Health and safety processes play an essential role in minimising the various risks present in construction and must, therefore, be implemented right from the get-go. If managers fail to implement these health and safety measures, there’s a higher chance that accidents can occur. Below, let’s find out how health and safety training benefits your construction business.

1. Reduces Workplace Injuries

Investing in health & safety training is one of the most effective ways for companies to lessen the number of injuries on construction sites. If construction workers know the proper practices and procedures like safe ladder usage, fall protection, and correct usage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), they can better avoid workplace injuries.

No matter how big or small a construction project is, the health and safety of the workers are constantly at risk. Everyone in the industry is aware that the work can be dangerous. Thousands of workplace injuries occur in construction each year, and a percentage of these have led to fatalities. The main causes of worker injuries and deaths on construction sites are getting struck by machinery, falls, electrocution, and being trapped between machinery and objects. Since construction is an inherently dangerous industry, all companies should offer health and safety training to their workers and ensure that their training is updated.

Every worker in the construction, including the managers, must have adequate training on workplace health and safety. The training should include knowing how to identify possible hazards on construction sites. In addition to training, employers should provide a written safety policy covering safety procedures, awareness of dangers, instructions for operating dangerous equipment and machinery, emergency protocols, and more.

2. Improves Productivity

If construction workers are well-trained in health and safety, accidents and injuries will decrease. As a result, workers will not be absent or call in sick, improving workplace productivity. In addition, the more workers are familiar with safety procedures, the easier it is for them to navigate the job site. They will also be more confident and comfortable with their work if they receive the proper training. If workers are not given training on health and safety, they will be unsure of what to do on-site, which affects their productivity.

A productive workplace will benefit the company and also the employees. One of the best ways to increase productivity in construction is to create a safe working environment. Research shows that if workers feel safe at work, they will be more likely to give their best, which increases productivity. Aside from removing potential dangers in the construction site, employers should provide proper health and safety training to everyone involved in the construction project.

By training employees on how to stay safe at work, companies can benefit from increased productivity, which is crucial to the company’s overall success. Employers should always remember that they are responsible for helping employees stay safe and healthy at work. They should also be aware of the factors that could hinder their productivity.

3. Improves Knowledge and Experience at Work

Health and safety training should be ongoing, and employers should set an example for the staff. Newly hired staff must be trained on the proper safety measures in construction since they likely do not have any experience in this aspect. Even those who have already completed the safety training should be encouraged to take more training to improve their prior knowledge.

It’s also necessary to provide health and safety training to managers and senior workers. It may have already been a while for these employees to have undergone health and safety training, and some practices might already be outdated. It is also possible that some construction companies are applying more innovative technologies or approaches in their safety training, which these old workers may not be familiar with. However, since they will be working on-site, they must be given the same level of training as everyone.

Thankfully, there are training companies that provide access to online health & safety courses, which means that workers no longer need to attend the training in person. Since the training is virtual, workers can learn anywhere and anytime, which is convenient for them. It will discuss all matters involved in ensuring health and safety in construction. The training will cover everything, from manual handling to first aid, fire safety and more. At the end of the course, your employees will gain a deeper understanding of health and safety matters, which minimises their risk.

4. Saves Money

Remember that the health & safety training will not only benefit your employees, but it can also save you some money each year. If your staff knows about health and safety, they can better protect themselves at work. As a result, costly lawsuits can be prevented.

If a worker gets injured on site and the court finds that you fail to provide proper health and safety training for the workers, you can be sued in court. In addition, you will be obliged to pay for the medical expenses and other costs associated with such an accident. While you may have insurance to protect you against this, the insurance rate will increase with every covered instance. As with most insurance, the more you use it, the more expensive the premium will become. If your business has higher rate of claims, your rate will further increase.

It’s also worth noting that if employees are injured, they can no longer work, which could delay your project and cost you some money. You may also have to hire new employees for replacement, which is an added expense. Since the injured worker is entitled to sick leave, you will end up paying someone who is not working. Frequent accidents at work could lead to several work hours lost, costing your business a lot of money.

Written by Marcus Richards

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