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Customize Your Salesforce Highlights Panel for Better Visibility and Efficiency

Unlocking the Power of the Salesforce Highlights Panel

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Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

As a Salesforce user, you understand the importance of having key information readily available to make informed decisions and take quick actions. This is where the Highlights Panel comes into play. The Highlights Panel is a powerful feature that enables users to view essential data at a glance, empowering them to work more efficiently and effectively. In this article, we will explore how you can customize the Highlights Panel to suit your specific needs, ensuring that the most relevant information is readily accessible.

Key Takeaways

  • The Salesforce Highlights Panel provides users with a convenient way to access essential information at a glance.
  • Customizing the Highlights Panel allows you to tailor it to your specific requirements and display the most relevant data.
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions below to customize the Highlights Panel:

Step 1: Accessing the Object Manager

The first step in customizing the Highlights Panel is accessing the Object Manager. To do this, navigate to the Setup menu in Salesforce and select “Edit Object” for the desired object, such as the Deal Pipeline.

Step 2: Selecting the Compact Layout

Once you’re in the Object Manager, choose the Compact Layouts option from the left panel. This will present you with a list of available Compact Layouts for the selected object. Select the Compact Layout that you want to edit for the Highlights Panel customization.

Step 3: Editing the Compact Layout

After selecting the Compact Layout, click on the Edit button to start customizing the Highlights Panel. This will open up a configuration interface where you can make changes to the layout.

Step 4: Selecting the Fields to Display

Within the editing interface, you’ll see two columns: “Available Fields” and “Selected Fields.” The “Available Fields” column lists all the fields associated with the object, while the “Selected Fields” column represents the fields that will be displayed in the Highlights Panel. To customize the Highlights Panel, simply move the desired fields from the “Available Fields” column to the “Selected Fields” column. You can do this by either dragging and dropping the fields or by using the arrow buttons between the columns. Once you’ve selected the fields, click on the Save button to apply the changes.

It’s important to note that Salesforce imposes a limitation on the number of fields that can be displayed in the Highlights Panel. Therefore, it’s essential to carefully choose the most relevant fields that provide valuable insights and aid in quick decision-making.


The Salesforce Highlights Panel is a game-changer when it comes to efficiently accessing and leveraging crucial information. By customizing the Highlights Panel, you can tailor it to your specific needs and ensure that the most important data is always just a glance away. Remember to select the fields that matter most to your workflow and optimize the Highlights Panel for better visibility and productivity.

Unlock the full potential of Salesforce by harnessing the power of the Highlights Panel and watch your productivity soar!

Written by Martin Cole

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